QualityWorks -- The most complete client/server testing solution you can buy

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A Complete Client/Server Testing Solution

As mission-critical applications are increasingly implemented in distributed client/server environments, the need for a next-generation software testing solution that can cope with the complexity of Graphical User Interface (GUI) and multi-faceted client/server applications and implementations has become paramount.

QualityWorks from Segue Software is just such a solution -- the only automated software testing system on the market today that can validate all components of your second-generation distributed client/server applications.

QualityWorks addresses the six key problems of client/server application testing:

QualityWorks builds on the QA Partner automated testing foundation to deliver a complete client/server testing solution that includes several complementary groups of products. These products are completely modular, so you can use them in any combination to meet your particular needs:

Distributed Testing

QA Partner: Distributed --With QA Partner: Distributed, you get all the features and power of QA Partner -- plus all the functionality needed to test your complex network or other client/server configuration. Enhanced synchronization commands and interfaces for TCP/IP and IPX/SPX network protocols, as well as NetBIOS, are provided to enable end-to-end testing of today's heterogeneous network environments. In addition, expanded results processing capabilities let you test across your entire network and view the results in a wide variety of ways on any number of different machines. All of this, without having to buy an expensive load testing product -- as you must with other test tool offerings.

QA DBTester -- The fully integrated QA DBTester module now makes it possible to test any of over 35 different databases, using embedded SQL commands within Visual 4Test and a special ODBC to query the database directly -- completely bypassing the GUI. You can easily verify database transactions and view the impact of database changes on the application's performance. And if your database ever does crash as a result of the load you put on it, QA Partner's unique recovery system insures that the pre-crash application state is restored and that your tests continue executing to completion.

Agents -- QualityWorks' exclusive Agent technology permits you to extend your tests across networks and diverse platforms -- beyond the GUI -- to other components of your applications.

Open Integration

QualityWorks has an open QA architecture that has enabled Segue to build links to a number of leading application development environments, including PowerBuilder, SQLWindows, Visual Basic, XVT and others.

QA Partner Extension Kit --QualityWorks comes with an unusual degree of built-in extensibility. In addition, it gives you the flexibility to handle custom objects and controls. The QA Partner Extension Kit option enables you to design and write your own external QA Partner Agent functions in C or C++ to interact with your custom objects and controls -- functions that your test scripts can call and use in exactly the same way they do standard Agent functions.

Real World PowerBuilder Testing -- Get full 16-bit PowerBuilder support for testing your Windows applications. QualityWorks for PowerBuilder recognizes all DataWindows and DataWindow objects, down to each row and column.  It can recognize and manipulate DataWindow objects like Check Boxes and Drop Down DataWindows, and DataWindow styles, like Tabular and Grid. And with true object-level recording, your scripts will be able to survive changes to your PowerBuilder applications. Continuous script rewriting and cascading errors are things of the past.

Real World Visual Basic Testing -- Now QualityWorks lets you automatically define and directly manipulate and test any OCX property in the 32-bit Visual Basic 4 environment. Capture OCX definitions and record robust test scripts to drive your Visual Basic 4 applications and custom controls with a simple point-and-click. There's absolutely no coding required, property verification is completely automatic and you'll be able to test your OCXs with a high level of control -- comparable to the control you currently have over native objects. And if you're migrating your applications from Visual Basic 3 to Visual Basic 4, you can use your Visual Basic 3 QA Partner scripts to directly test your applications under Visual Basic 4.

Test Management

QA Planner

No longer must testplans be prepared separately as word processing documents and then be manually converted for use with automated test tools. Test planning is now an integral part of the automated testing process and the testplan is the medium through which test scripts are designed, written and run -- and test results are reported and analyzed.

Testplans are created using a simple editor to detail test requirements in an indented outline form. The outline becomes the plan, with each indented level providing progressive refinements in the testing scenario. The completed plan provides a blueprint for creating the test scripts and testcases required to test an application. And because each testplan item ultimately maps to a specific testcase in a script, users can launch QA Partner scripts from within QA Planner and view the results at the testcase level. All in one seamless operation, without leaving QA Planner.

QA Planner helps management monitor the progress of the testing effort by measuring the percentage of coverage against the testplan. As each testcase within a script is written, it is linked to a branch in the plan. Coverage is calculated by comparing the total number of testcases specified by the plan with the number that are currently linked to scripts.

QA Planner testplans collapse and expand to reveal the desired level of detail.

Workgroup test planning -- for the way you work

QA Planner also includes a powerful groupware feature that allows QA workgroup members to work off the same testplan, while implementing a top-down approach to test planning. This feature permits a testplan to be divided into modules -- a master plan and as many sub-plans as are necessary. Write-lock and read-only facilities enable individual users to edit and use sub-plans simultaneously without fear of accidentally overwriting one another's changes.

The master plan provides a single point of control and the sub-plans facilitate the division of responsibilities and tasks within the QA workgroup. QA Planner has been designed to both fit your QA staff's work habits and synchronize their activities into a cohesive team effort.

Modular QualityWare

Introducing GO! Software testing so easy, it's automatic

Now you can create tests 6 times faster than recording-based methods -- without writing a line of code.

GO! is the first in a series of Segue QualityWare products that automatically tests your application software. QA organizations can generate test scripts in minutes and perform basic, thorough testing of most applications in less than an hour! GO! automates an entire category of routine GUI tests, and provides a host of reports to assist QA professionals with more advanced testing procedures.

Automatic testing, immediate results

GO! automatically generates scripts and English testplans which test the essential but routine tests most organizations spend much of their time on:

Get to the complex testing faster

The tests and testplans GO! creates give your organization a solid starting point for more advanced testing. At last, your organization can get quickly beyond initial GUI tests and devote its energy to the difficult testing problems to which your applications are most vulnerable.

GO! also provides reports on baseline GUI control attributes, detailed window makeup, baseline window tab orders and application mnemonic usage. You can use these reports to quickly determine the completeness of your application and whether it's ready for testing. Testplans are automatically integrated with the tests, for easier testing and debugging.

Up and running in minutes

Online Test Wizards make using GO! a snap. You get step-by-step instructions on how to use GO! and run the tests it creates. The tests are reusable, so all you have to do to test new functionality is run GO! against new versions of your software as they become available. You save valuable testing time and ensure the highest quality for your applications.

Completely integrated with other Segue products

GO! is seamlessly integrated with the rest of the Segue QualityWorks product line. GO! is a natural extension of these products and the Segue testing methodology - your assurance of complete compatibility and easy, trouble-free operation.

Get going - get GO!!

There's simply no better way to jump-start your automated software testing effort, and speed the return on your QA investment, than Segue's GO!. With GO!, high startup costs and long learning curves are a thing of the past. GO! makes you immediately productive. Experience the instant gratification of automatic software testing and immediate results, using existing staff!

QA Partner

Segue's QA Partner® is the first of a new breed of automated software testing tools -- object-oriented, language-based and graphical user interface (GUI)-aware -- with a logical testing methodology robust enough to cope with the complexity of GUI applications and client/server networks. In fact, QA Partner is the only product of its kind on the market today. It lets you:

QA Partner is comprised of four basic components: Visual 4Test©, a high-level object-oriented scripting language designed specifically for testing; an Integrated Test Environment with easy-to-use Visual 4Test recording facilities and scripting aids; a Class Library that describes all types of GUI objects and their associated properties; and Agent Technology that interprets Visual 4Test scripts into platform-specific GUI actions, deals with all GUI-specific issues and provides over 250 member functions for use in conjunction with Visual 4Test commands.

A unique TestFrame provides the backbone for all QA Partner test scripts. It contains descriptions (logical window declarations) of all application objects and a built-in recovery system that allows completely unattended regression testing. The TestFrame can be quickly modified to reflect application changes.

Running QA Partner test scripts is easy and straightforward. Visual 4Test scripts request logical operations against named GUI objects -- while the QA Partner GUI Agent works hand-in-hand with the GUI Manager to find and activate the corresponding physical window objects and verify their contents, behaviors and structures in real time. The same Visual 4Test scripts can be run unchanged to test an application on different GUI platforms.

The language-based QA Partner approach has been hailed by press and analysts as "the best client/server testing solution on the market," and "the hands-down winner when it comes to technical prowess." And with Release 3.0, QA Partner is now easier to use than ever.

QA Partner 3.0: Improved usability with true unattended testing

QA Partner 3.0 brings a new level of scripting ease and test execution flexibility to the automated software testing process. Among the many enhancements included in Release 3.0 are the following:

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